Hello, It's Been a While!

Ok Ok, Let me explain!

First off, Shout out to my Senior Pictures from Chelsea Atkins Photography!

So it's been a while...I honestly feel so bad for leaving my blog for 3 months but I needed a break.

Since This last summer (2014) I have been creating videos on YouTube and it has honestly been such a fun time, but everyone needs a break. School started up and between three different schools, I barely had any time for everything. So eventually I stopped. But honestly, I am starting to miss this blog and my YouTube channel so guess what, I'm back from my break.

I apologize for leaving for so long but I hope to continue to make posts once a week, every Thursday! So get excited everyone, this Thursday (the first day of 2015) A new post will be up on this blog.

Also, for Christmas, I got a new camera! SO now all of my YouTube videos will be posted in 1080p and will be way better then before! 

I hope both this blog  and my YouTube channel will continue to grow. Since I am still growing, everything else will come with it.

I hope you all had an amazing holidays and hope you have a happy new year!

Here are a few more of my senior pictures, Enjoy!


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